Thank you so much Alanna, Lisa, and Liz for sharing your various strategies during today’s webinar for developing strong communication with various stakeholders involved in our students’ learning process. The video you showed really emphasizes the impact of our reflections and interactions with students!

Defining the iEd Persona

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An ENORMOUS THANK YOU to Becca, Brian, and Stephanie for your excellent demonstration of the innovative strategies you are using in your classrooms to develop a strong teacher persona. Also, thank you to those of you that shared your work as well!

Here is the presentation in case you need to reference it again, and don’t forget to review your partner’s work for this week here.

WOW, this is such an IMPRESSIVE group of teachers! Our students are very fortunate!

Thank you to @KristinMFlynn as well for your feedback and review on our persona examples. The time you’ve taken to review our samples and your feedback means more to everyone than you could know!

Here is the recording in case you need to review it as well.

A HUGE thank you to Michelle Jennings and Jim Barry for your presentation today about Building Online Communities! Keep this Framework in mind as you are completing this week’s post:

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  • Teaching presence is the design, facilitation, and direction of cognitive and social processes toward the goal of meaningful and educationally worthwhile learning outcomes.
  • Social presence is the ability of participants to identify with the group, communicate in a trusting environment, and develop social relationships by way of expressing their individuality.
  • Cognitive presence is the exploration, construction, resolution, and confirmation of understanding.


Developing Professional Learning Networks


Click on the following link to view

 iEd and C&I Staff Twitter Accounts 

Developing Professional Learning Networks Presentation

This week’s task-10/01/2015:

Participate in a Twitter Chat this week. You can use one from here or find your own. Reflect upon this experience. #miched is Wednesday @8p.m. this is generally a good one to start with! Also here is another Calendar List:

Consider discussing what you learned from participating in the chat. What is the value in participating in a Twitter chat? Think about your experiences navigating a Twitter and responding to posed questions and other posts, what insights/thoughts or reflections do you have in regard to your first experience participating in a Twitter Chat? Why might this  experience be helpful for educators to participate in? How might it help you in developing your own Professional Learning Network? (PLN) 

Thanks so much Annette and Andrew for your engaging presentation during our webinar session! 


Impact of Online Learning

A HUGE thank you to Michigan Virtual University’s Online Teacher of the Year, Annette Gleason, for hosting our last webinar session!

If you haven’t had a chance to reflect, Annette sent out  this Google Form to get some feedback from you about the last webinar session, please take some time to help provide some useful thoughts/feedback.

Excellent modeling of good instruction Annette! It’s always so helpful to elicit feeback and thoughts from our peers, in order to continually learn and grow.

iEds, we are all continually impressed by your vision, reflections, and ideas. You have already far surpassed any expectations we have had! We look forward to continually learning and growing together!  

This week’s Blogging Task- 9/24/15: The Impact of Online Learning (Category: Mindsets)

Using the information presented in this webinar session and your experiences thus far:

  • Reflect on the positive and negative impacts of online education for various stakeholders.
  • What are your personal beliefs, perspectives, thoughts, and philosophies regarding online education? Do you have any reservations yourself, and if so, what strategies might you use to overcome these considerations?
  • How do you think online learning will impact the future of education? What are your predictions about its future influence on society?

Developing & Maintaining Effective Strategies for Content Evaluation

Kudos to Holly for hosting a great webinar session! 

Blogging Task 09/17/2015–Category: Qualities

Using the information presented in this week’s webinar and your experiences thus far:

  • Reflect on what qualifications you have used or will use to evaluate assessments in your courses.
  • Discuss what strategies will you use or can use to maintain consistency in scoring multiple submissions of the same assignment.
  • Think about some approaches you would take if you had an issue with a scoring tool.  What actions might you take to address these issues?
  • What other difficulties might you face when assessing various assignments in your courses and how might you overcome those difficulties?